
Silent Howling: Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: Part of the gang

Jonas stood daydreaming on the landing pad as the last drop ship of the day landed. For the past two weeks, drop ships had been ferrying Jonas' Next and equipment from the Havita base to this new complex. Missions had been non-existent, so it made the transfer a breeze. It seemed the integration of everything, including himself into the group of independent mercenaries went better than he could have hoped. It's just a shame that Takaru was still being awkward and Ellysia was hardly speaking to him.

She was a hard one to figure out. Seth said she was untrusting of newcomers, but he didn't realise to this extent. Every time he'd try to speak to her, after five minutes she say she had something to do or that she needed to talk to Seth urgently. Well, he at least found out that Ellysia's last name was Myst. Any other information on Ellysia was gained through Seth.

It seemed that, according to him, that Ellysia lives to protect the floating hope for mankind, the Cradles. Apparently, she had some family high up in the League and when the Cradle operation went underway, her family was accepted to join them. But because all Lynx had to be left behind on the ravaged Earth, Ellysia was left to rot in the never-ending struggle. Seth never found out how she became a Lynx, she kept that tightly under wraps. He even popped the question on why she was being so awkward with Jonas and all she said was that she didn't like the look of him.

Takaru on the other hand was obviously the comic relief of the group, at least, that was Jonas' opinion, the funny guy that you loved to hate. However it seemed that his ego was about the size of a Next and he had no trouble flaunting it. According to Takaru, he was the best Lynx out of everyone in the facility. He would constantly go on about how he was more awesome than everyone else. This might have all been a lie if Seth didn't keep agreeing with him.

Even though Takaru was the funny guy, he seemed just as secretive as Ellysia, but instead of just walking away, he hits the confrontation with his ego and never-ending wit. At least it didn't leave Jonas in an difficult position. But Takaru did divulge a small bit of background information of himself between the constant reminding of how he's the best Lynx the world had ever seen.

Takaru's older brother had become a Lynx during the Lynx war, seeing as many Lynx were dying during the war. The companies were looking for new recruits. Takaru's brother was one of them. Like himself, he was good, a little too good. His family had a natural genetic defect that allowed them to be better skilled than most average Lynx. Rosenthal sent his brother out on a suicide mission believing that his skills would come through for them. It was a risky venture that didn't pay off and he was deemed to be killed in action. Takaru abandoned Rosenthal after that blaming them for everything and adopted his brother's personality and fighting style to continue his name.

Not long after Jonas had accepted Seth's invitation, he had a nice long list of rules and conditions to worry about. Out of any earnings that Jonas makes, fifty percent of it gets taken away to be used for base maintenance. This worked out well for him seeing as he was losing nearly seventy five percent towards his upkeep back at Havita. Plus, if any mission gave the option of taking a wingman, another member of the team had to be taken if the option granted it. Seth said that this was to boost their recognition between the companies. If their success rate was high, they'd get more jobs. It was believed that companies thought that putting the team together doubled the chances of success. The final condition is that all missions are to be cleared through him first so he can take the proper measures to get everything ready to go.

All in all, he wasn't being asked of much, but for someone working alone for so long, it would be hard to adapt. Even so, Jonas felt that he had made the right decision, his instincts didn't betray him. He had always thought of himself as the Lone Wolf, which was the reason behind the name of his Next, the one person who's efforts made no difference to the world. It was like his howls were silent, but no more. He had a team, people to back him up, all he needed to do was break this wall of insecurity surrounding everyone so that he would be accepted into the pack.

Jonas' daydreaming at the runway was cut short by the speaker blaring out a loud voice. This annoyed Jonas to a high degree, mainly because the sun was setting and Jonas liked sunsets, it allowed him to just lose himself in his thoughts. Nevertheless Jonas perked up his ears to listen to the speaker.

“Jonas Gavada, please report to Seth's office for a meeting. You've got ten minutes, so move your ass!" Jonas sighed and started walking towards the small elevator that rested beside the huge busy freight elevator. He got in and pressed the descend button to take him into the underbelly of the beast he now called his home.

Jonas wondered as to what Seth had wanted. The elevator descended and opened its doors, then Jonas traversed the catwalk. Seeing the last Next docking station, that was empty a long while ago now filled with Silent filled him with pride. It felt like he had made the cut for a sports team. It was funny to him, no matter how many times Jonas navigated the twisting hallways of the base, he always got lost at least once a day. It came to the point where people knew he was going to ask for directions when they walked past him in the hallway. At this rate he would be called the 'Lost One'. Jonas didn't want that.

On the way to the briefing room Jonas spotted someone who through the integration hadn't changed a bit. Jessie stood there moaning to one of the technicians. The ticking time bomb he called his Operator was still her usual self.

"Hey Jessie, what're you doing?" He called out. Jessie turned around to see what the cause of the shouting was, giving the technician the perfect opportunity to run, and he grabbed it fiercely, he was off like a shot.

"Hey, you get back here, I'm not done with you yet! Damnit Jonas, see what you've done?" The Lynx walked up to his partner to see what she was complaining about.

"Haha, glad to see you're having a good time."

"You know this is a bloody stupid idea right. It's a trap, they're just getting you here to eliminate you like the competition you are." Jonas let out a long obvious sigh.

"You've been saying that ever since you got here."

"That's because it's true. The hell am I'm gonna help you when they gut you like a fish and steal your Next."

"If that happens they'll get you to." Jonas laughed as he tried to get Jessie worked up.

"Sh-shut up! I'm too smart to let that happen to me."

"Oh, so you're going to abandon me then hmm?" He raised an eyebrow to see what her answer would be. She was annoyed now, he knew her far too well.

"Sure, after this goes tits up in your face so I can laugh and tell you that I told you so."

"Face it Jessie, you're in this with me till the bitter end." Jessie turned away from Jonas and pouted. She knew it was true too.

"And? What's you point?" Jonas put his hand on her shoulder and smiled.

"Have fun Jessie, I think we might have our first mission soon. Hope you like your new control room. Don't want you moaning mid-fight now do we?" He walked on ahead leaving behind Jessie, but she called out to him before he passed out of earshot, with a much softer tone than before.

"Just be careful okay. I don't want anything bad to happen to you, to any of us." Jonas swung around and smiled.

"I'll be careful, don't you worry." He called out before continuing on.

"Idiot." She muttered to herself, giving him one last glance.

Jessie had been his best friend since childhood and she stood by him even after the attack that decimated their colony. Jonas was hugely relieved to see that she was alive and she was a massive pillar for Jonas to lean on when he began his life as a Lynx. She was sarcastic and hot tempered but there was a softness to her that only he saw. It occurred to Jonas that she may have romantic feelings for him but if she did, she never acted on them and he never asked. To Jonas, she was everything he needed, a good friend and a trusted ally.

He made it, standing outside the double doors that led to the conference room turned office. He took a deep breath before grabbing the handle and turned it. The door opened to reveal two people. Seth was one, sat at the far end of the hall behind a desk while Takaru leaned against the wall to his right.

"Ahh Jonas you made it, please take a seat." Jonas walked to the desk and sat on the chair opposite Seth, he swivelled it around so that he could keep an eye on both Lynx. As always, even in the face of allies, Jonas was still calculating and strategic.

"So, why'd you call me here Seth, I was overseeing the last of the shipment of my stuff."

"Was that before or after you was daydreaming in the sunset." Takaru butted in.

"I... I wasn't daydreaming." Jonas was taken aback by this interruption, not because of the interruption itself but more by the fact they knew he wasn't actually working. Takaru chuckled as he pointed to one of the nine screens on the wall behind Seth.

"Heh. Cameras don't lie buddy." The camera showed the runway, the centre of the footage was the exact point where he was standing.

"Humph, spying on me huh?" Seth looked at Jonas.

"We weren't spying, we was seeing if you was busy, seeing if now was a good time to hold this meeting." Takaru was still chuckling against the walls, he already knew what this meeting was about as he was paying no attention to Seth at all. Jonas gave Seth a quizzical look.

"Okay then. Just what is this meeting about them?" Seth leaned forwards onto the table and clasped his hands together.

"It's time to earn your keep. Takaru has been hired for a mission and you're going to be his wingman. So take Silent Howl out for spin and we'll see how well you do."

"Alright, so what are the details?" Seth spun round on his chair and flicked a button on his remote control. All nine screens changed what they were showing to merge together to give a big mission briefing.

"Our client today is the League. They have a small infestation problem that they want us solving. An unknown group has infiltrated and taken over a Normal manufacturing plant in Southern Europe. Most of the forces are long range sniper and artillery types and have already foiled one attempt by the League to get the base back. However they only had Normals on the offensive. They all perished, so now they need us. They have another team of Normals on standby to infiltrate after we're done. Apparently, the League doesn't want us going inside the plant, we are only allowed to take out the outside forces so that the Normal force can move into the plant and take it back. Now there isn't an outpost there so the operators will stay here to give you your instructions... Any questions?" Takaru got up off the wall and trust his fist forward.

"None of them will stand up to me. Sniper types, hah, they don't know the meaning of the term sniping, just stand back Jonas and I'll show you how it's done 'kay." Jonas just nodded. Seth stood up.

"Alright, you two leave the base at nine hundred hours tomorrow. Jonas you're dismissed. Takaru, one more thing before you go." Jonas got up and nodded, he walked out of the room and closed the door behind him.

"What's up Boss?" Seth put his hand in his pockets and glared at Takaru.

"Keep an eye on Jonas, I want to see what he's truly capable of, give me a full status update on his skills when you get back okay. There's no point in keeping him if he can't pull his weight. I need to make sure I made the right choice in recruiting him."

"But aren't you the one that invited him here in the first place? You saw him in action first hand."

"Sure, but I've got to be clear that I have made the right choice, that battle outside the research facility may have been a fluke."

"Fair enough, I'll keep an eye on him."

"See that you do Takaru. See that you do." Takaru left the briefing room closing the door behind him and leaving alone.

"Don't let me down Jonas, I don't know what I'd have to do if you're not what I'm hoping you are."
-edit- Another one retconned and edited with my Dad, I added a little more backstory on Jonas' friendship with Jessie.

Chapter 7 is finally out. This is the longest chapter so far as I attempt to wrap up the first story arc of this fic with alot more backstory.

The next story arc will begin next issue with Takaru and Jonas' mission together.

Is it just me or is Seth having second thoughts?

Next issue will be done when i can be arsed.
© 2009 - 2024 ZybleDryva
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chesukun's avatar
finally caught up and still loving it ^-^ Still no motivation to write chapter 2 ¬_¬